Photo by Barbara Suhr

The Route Sheet & Digital Files

The Route Sheet

On the day of the ride we will give you a great hard-copy route sheet. We do not release copies of the route sheet in advance, for four reasons:

1. Not everyone is as honest as you. When we release the route sheet in advance, we get a lot of people who do the ride without paying.

2. Believe it or not, the route sheet is usually not ready until just a day or two before the ride. Why? Because our excellent route-marking crew heads out right before the ride to check for any last-minute changes. It is VERY common for them to come across a road that we have used for years, only to discover that it is closed for construction. When they return from marking the route, the route-marking team is THE final word on where the route goes -- even I don’t know the route until I hear back from them.

3. If we distribute the route sheet before the ride, we get a LOT of email like this: "I see the route goes down Maple Street. You people are idiots. Everyone knows that Oak Street is much better than Maple Street. I will be riding on Oak Street instead. Will there be a rest stop for me on Oak Street?"

4. We ALSO get a lot of email like this: "I see from the route sheet that the ride will go right past my house. I will start pedaling from in front of my house, and then do the route in reverse order. Can I get a lift back to my house after the ride?" 

Hope you understand! When we’ve released the route sheet in advance bad things happen to us, and we hate when that happens!

Digital Route Files

Just before ride day we will send out an email to all registered rides all the information in excruciating detail on how to get the digital route files for your smartphone or bike-mounted GPS at no additional charge.  No action is required by you at this time.